Logistic and Payment
- 21/05/2017
Payment Method
Customers can select one of the following payment methods:
- Payment by bank transfer. (We will provide the account numbers when you request them)
- Payment by Paypal or Payoneer account
- Payment by Western Union services.
- Payment by L/C.
Payment Conditions
- If the order has a value smaller than 1,000 USD, customers have to pay instantly after ordering.
- If the order has a value from 1,000 to 15,000 USD, customers need to deposit 30% of the order value when ordering. We will prepare the products and then when the products are ready to be delivered, we will notify the customers to pay the rest of the money before we deliver the products.
- If the order has a value bigger than 15,000 USD, we accept opening a L/C for the payment process
Forms of transportation:
- For orders weighing less than 2 m3, customers can choose the courier service as it is more suitable.
- For orders weighing more than 2 m3, customers can select the form of shipping by sea.
- If the customers select FOB, the additional fee is $200 for the first cubic meter, and 80 dollars for every consecutive cubic meter.
- If you select another form of shipping, customers will be notified when we receive specific orders.
- Customers can also arrange transportation.